Gone Fishing Day 2024
Report by Mick Withford
On Sunday 13 October we hosted our second annual Gone Fishing Day.
In conjunction with Dept of Primary Industries and Recreational Fishing Trusts, this was one of many of these community events that were held up and down the coast on the day. A fantastic initiative to get families and children out enjoying a fun activity away from TVs and social media.
The funding allowed us to provide free barbecue, drinks, together with lots of rods & reels, fishing tackle and other prizes and giveaways for all the children, mums & dads, and even the boaters venturing out or returning from their days fishing. We must had had well over a hundred participants. Our major sponsor Shimano were great. I think the advertising from Galston Glenorie Community News helped there.
It was wonderful to see so many Sea Bees members volunteering their time to not only set up and run the event, cook the hundreds of sausages, but also talking to families and showing them how to fish. Heaps of Garfish were caught along with a few mullet. Such a thrill for the children. A small bit of dough on floated line was key. Mal Clark is a gun a this! Peter Bylsma, Kurt & James Forrester, Michael & Cameron Markich and friends showed them how it was done too.
The casting competition was a real hit. Rob Sinclair and Ron Abdilla were fantastic in explaining correct techniques to get better accuracy and avoid the wicked bird nest tangles that often occur with baitcast reels!
Special thanks to Rob who initiated the whole event. Not to mention Roy Wartmann who bought a trailer load of gear from home.
Thanks to the committee and all the helpers for making it another very successful day. Ever reliable Paul Tanti was on BBQ as usual along with Roy. Stephen Boots took all our worries away by sourcing all the food and drinks for the event. Roger from Berowra Waters Marina & Boat Hire chipped in with a rod & reel to give away, and could see what a great event this is for the community.
We look forward to doing this again next year.