Lake Windamere Oct 2024
On 4th to 7th October the club hosted our annual long weekend getaway to Lake Windamere! Fishing was very tough this year, which wasn't helped by the blustery weather (they don't call it WINDYmere for nothing!)
But as with all these weekends away, the camaraderie at the campsite is always fantastic. Approx 18 Club members and friends getting together, sharing yarns, cooking damper and sitting around the fire. The success of the new projector was obvious, and what a setting to enjoy watching the footy grand final.
Despite the undying optimism, hours of trolling and casting, only 4 fish were landed. A lovely 50+ Cod by Bec as well as two yellowbelly and a Cod by Kurt. The water temp was low at 15deg when it should be around 18/19deg this time of year.
Rebecca’s determination and nearly 1,500 casts over two long days earnt her the meritorious award for the event and covering from the Dam wall up to as far up river as she could get (a 3hr one way trip!). Well done Bec!